Approaching whole-person wellness from HeartSpace to HeartSpace connection


Our mission is to create an inclusive community that seeks to empower positive growth and healing, in a fun, safe and therapeutic space. We invite you to take a look at what we offer to see where we can best serve you.


  • Any of our services can be combined to fit your personal needs/goals. We invite you to contact us for a free comprehensive consultation, so that we can create an individualized plan that most powerfully serves you.

  • We offer group or individual sessions for most services provided.

  • Prices will vary depending on the services provided. We will work with you to meet your needs in a way that also meets your budget.



Breath-based, active meditation to promote exploration and healing.


Rediscover health and wholeness in a powerful and creative partnership that inspires you to take back control of your life!

Somatic Experiencing/ Reiki/ EFT

Body-based therapeutic modalities to reduce anxiety and stress.

Specialized Groups

  • Fun ways to move

  • Community involvement

  • Creative Nutrition

  • Community building